Sr No. Newspaper Title (of Article)  Subject Author/Writer  DOP Article Reference 
1 Dawn Arresting resource degradation Natural Resources Khalid Mustafa 16/8/2005 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Arresting resource degradation,by Dr Khalid Mustafa,Dawn,16-08-2005.doc
2 Dawn Tree plantation and denuded forests Natural Resources Zafar Samdani 16/8/2005 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Tree plantation and denuded forests,by Zafar Samdani,Dawn,16-08-2005.doc
3 The Nation Main routs of migratory birds Natural Resources 3/3/2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Main routes of migratory birdsThe Nation,03-03-2006.doc
4 Dawn Tree cutting in Nara Natural Resources 14-02-2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Tree cutting in Nara,Dawn.Feb.14.2006.doc
5 Dawn Shadows of extinction Natural Resources Mohammad Niaz 19-03-2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Shadows of extinction,by Mohammad Niaz,Dawn,19-03-2006.doc
6 Dawn Saving Hingol National Park Natural Resources 27-07-2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Saving Hingol National Park,Dawn,27-07-2006.doc
7 Dawn Wanton deforestation Natural Resources 18-09-2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Wanton deforestation,Dawn,18-09-2006.doc
8 Dawn Ecological crisis in the offing Natural Resources Maqbool Ahmad Bhatty 14-11-2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Ecological crisis in the offing by Maqbool Ahmad Bhatty. Dawn. 14-11-2006.doc
9 Daily Times World’s forests making a comeback Natural Resources 15-11-2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\World's forests making a comeback. Daily Times. 15-11-2006.doc
10 Dawn Migratory birds in danger Natural Resources 6/12/2006 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Migratory birds in danger . Dawn. 06-12-2006.doc
11 Dawn Stalking turtles for mean consideration Natural Resources Salman Khan 19/2/2007 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Stalking turtles for mean consideration,by Salman Khan,Dawn,19-02-2007.doc
12 Dawn Glacier depletion to hit river flows after 50 years Natural Resources khaleeq Kiani 12/3/2007 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Glacier depletion to hit river flows after 50 years by Khaleeq Kiani,Dawn,12-03-2007.doc
13 Dawn Wilderness almost non-existent on planet earth:
Natural Resources 29-06-07 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Wilderness almost non existent on planet earth study,by San Francisco,Daily Time,29-06-2007.doc
14 Dawn Mountains of rubish threaten Himalayan resort Natural Resources Izhar Wani 26-09-07 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Mountains of rubbish threaten Himalayan resort,by Izhar Wani, Dawn, 26-09-07.doc
15 Dawn Glacier melt raises fears of water despair Natural Resources Tripti Lahiri 20-09-07 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Glacier melt raises fears of water despair,by Tariq Lahiri,Dawn,20-09-2007.doc
16 Dawn 15 more vultures in captive breeding Natural Resources Shoaib Ahmed 4/10/2007 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\15 more vultures in captive breeding,by Shoaib Ahmed,Dawn,04-10-2007.pdf
17 Dawn Poacing lessons Natural Resources 26-10-07 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Poaching lessons,Dawn,26-10-2007.doc
18 Dawn Swat's silent tragedy Natural Resources 12/11/2007 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Swat,s silent tragedy,Dawn,12-11-2007.doc
19 Dawn Pakistan needs to raise forest cover to 6pc by 2015 Natural Resources 10/12/2007 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Pakistan needs to raise forest cover to 6pc by 2015 Dawn, 10-12-2007.doc
20 Dawn Trees a casualty of military operation Natural Resources Zulfiqar Ali 8/1/2008 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Trees a casualty of military operation by Zulfiqar Ali, Dawn, 8-1-08.doc
21 Dawn Crippling our coastal lifeline Natural Resources Najma Sadeque 24-1-08 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Crippling our coastal lifeline by Najma Saeque,Dawn,24-01-2008.doc
22 Dawn Changa Manga lives in real wild times Natural Resources Shoaib Ahmed 7/2/2008 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Change manga lives in real  wild times by Shoaib Ahmed,Dawn,07-02-2008.bmp
23 Dawn Scrap, sand stalking Indus Dolphin Natural Resources Malik Tahseen Raza 9/2/2008 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Scrap ,sand stalking indus dolphin by Malik Tahseen Raza,Dawn,09-02-2008.doc
24 Dawn Sri Lanka's elephan orphanage releases babies into
the wild
Natural Resources-Sri Lanka Amal Jayasinghe 17-7-08 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Sri Lanka's elephant orphange releases babies into the wild by Amal Jayasinghe,Dawn,17-07-2008.doc
25 Dawn Death of delta Natural Resources Zofeen Ebrahim 02.03.2009 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Death of delta, Dawn, 02.03.2009.pdf
26 Dawn Saving the NWFP forests Natural Resources Tahir Ali 14.09.2009 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Saving the NWFP forests by Tahir Ali,Dawn,14.09.2009.doc
27 Dawn Quarrying mutilates the Margallas Natural Resources Jamal Shahid 28.09.2009 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Quarrying mutilates the Margallas by Jamal Shahid,Dawn,28.09.2009.doc
28 Dawn Dead Sea needs world help to stay alive Natural Resources-Dead Sea Ahmad Khatib 25.11.2009 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Dead Sea needs world help to stay alive by Ahmad Khatib,Dawn,25.11.2009.doc
29 Daily Times The Saindak Saga Natural Resources-Saindak Project Mir M Ali Talpur 05.12.2009 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\The Saindak Saga by Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur, Daily Times, 5-12-09.doc
30 Dawn Saving the houbara Natural Resources-Houbara bastard Bhagwandas 06.12.2009 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Saving the houbara by Bhagwandas,Dawn,06.12.2009.doc
31 Dawn Checking deforestation Natural Resources - Forests Bilal Hassan 04.01.2010 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Checking deforestation by Bilal Hassan,Dawn,04.01.2010.doc
32 Dawn Deforestation spreading in Sindh Natural Resources Rauf Nizamani 11.01.2010 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Deforestation spreading in Sindh by Rauf,Dawn,11.01.2010.doc
33 Dawn Ghazi Ghat jungle on the verge of extinction  Natural Resources Malik Tahseen Raza 6/3/2010 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Ghazi Ghat jungle on the verge of extinction by Malik Tahseen,Dawn,06.03.2010.doc
34 Daily Times Common English species face extinction Natural Resources George Monbiot 17.03.2010 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Common English species face extinction by George,Daily Times,17.03.2010.doc
35 Dawn Butterflies in danger Natural Resources Patrick Barkham 18.03.2010 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Butterflies in danger by Patrick,Dawn,18.03.2010.doc
36 Dawn Deforestation expands Natural Resoruce-Forestry Zain Daudpoto 14.6.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Deforestation expands by Zain Daudpoto, Dawn, 14.6.10.doc
37 Daily Times Opportunity to benefit from afforestation Natural Resources-Forests Syed Mohammad Ali 29.6.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Opportunity to benefit from afforestation by Syed Mohammad Ali, Daily Times, 29.6.10.doc
38 Dawn Big beasts in decline in Africa's national parks Natural Resources-Animals David Adam 14.7.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Big beasts in decline in Africa's national parks by Dawn, 14.7.10.doc
39 Dawn Export banned without parrot survey Natural Resources-Birds Faiza Ilays 26.7.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Export banned without parrot survey by Faiza Ilays, Dawn, 26.7.bmp
40 Dawn Environmental fiction Natural Resources-Forests Syed Rizwan Mahboob 28.6.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Environmental fiction by Syed Rizwan Mahboob, Dawn, 28.6.10.doc
41 Dawn Sweet water bodies destroyed NATURAL RESOURCES-WATER Altamash Hussain 9.8.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Sweet water bodies destroyed by Altamash Hussain,dawn,9.8.10.doc
42 Daily Times Deal to save the natural world never happened Natural Resources-Biodiversity George Monbiot 3.11.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\The deal to save the natural world never happened by George Monbiot, Daily Times, 3.11.10.doc
43 Dawn Petroleum Debate Natual Resources-Ownership Muhammad ARIF 11.11.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Petroleum debate, by Muhammad Arif, Dawn, 11.11.2010.doc
44 Dawn The hunted tiger Natural Resources-Animals Patrick Barkham 11.11.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\The hunted tiger, by Patrick Barkham, Dawn, 11.11.2010.doc
45 Dawn Exploitation of mineral wealth Natural Resources-Mineral Wealth Sanaullah Baloch 25.11.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Exploitation of mineral wealth by Sanaullah Baloch, Dawn, 25.11.10.doc
46 Daily Times Oil exploration policy Natural Resources-Oil Muhammad ARIF 2.12.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Oil exploration policy by Muhammad Arif, Dawn, 2.12.10.doc
47 Daily Times Houbara bustards: dead birds walking Natural Resources-Houbara bastard Afrah Jamal 11.12.10 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Houbara bustards dead birds walking by Afrah Jamal, Daily Times, 11.12.10.doc
48 Dawn Gum trees are ruthlessly being destroyed in Thar Natural Resources-Forests Prem Shivani 7.1.11 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Gum trees are ruthlessly being destroyed in Thar by Prem Shivani, Dawn, 7.1.11.doc
49 Dawn Protected mangrove forests being destroyed Natural Resources Faiza Ilays 31.1.11 Y:\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Protected Mangrove forests being destroyed by Faiza Ilyas,Dawn,31.1.11.doc
50 Dawn Need for coastal uplift projects stressed Natural Resources-coastal uplift Bhagwandas 15.5.11 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Need for coastal uplift projects stressed by Bhagwandas, Dawn, 15.5.11.doc
51 Dawn Depleting mangroves Natural Resources-Mangroves Zubeda Birwani 16.5.11 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Depleting mangroves Zubeda Birwani, Dawn, 16.5.11.doc
52 Daily Times Regional cooperation off the menu in Dead Sea 7 Wonders bid Natural Resources-Dead Sea 12.11.11 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Regional cooperation off the menu in Dead Sea 7 Wonders bid, Daily Times, 12.11.11.doc
53 Dawn Saving Manchhar Lake from contamination Natural Resources-Manchhar Lake M. Hussain Khan 14.11.11 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Saving Manchhar Lake from contamination by Mohammad Hussain Khan, Dawn, 14.11.11.doc
54 Nation The myth of Reko Dig Natural Resources Dr. Muhammad Iqbal  3.2.12 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\The myth of Reko Diq by Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Wahla, The Nation, 3.2.12.doc
55 Dawn Alarm over mangrove devastation Natural Resources-Mangroves Faiza Ilays 9.3.12 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Alarm over mangrove devastation by Faiza Ilyas, Dawn, 9.3.12.doc
56 The Nation The mindset Natural Resources Dr Irfan Zafar 28-7-2012 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\The mindest by Dr Irfan Zafar,Nation ,28-7-2012.doc
57 The News The paradox of plenty  Natural Resources Jamil Nasir 27/6/2013 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\The paradox of plenty by Jamil Nasir,The News,27-6-2013.doc
58 The News Nature's Way Natural Resources Nikola Alexandre 21/1/2020 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Nature’s way, Nikola Alexandre January 21, 2020 , the news.docx
59 Daily Times Making light of an elephant Natural Resources Razi Azmi 22/12/2020 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Making light of an elephant, Razi Azmi.docx
60 Dawn Biodiversity crisis Natural Resources Jamil Ahmad 12/3/2021 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Biodiversity crisis.docx
61 The News Grounds for concern Natural Resources Khaled Diab 8/4/2021 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Grounds for concern Khaled Diab.docx
62 Dawn Gaming LNG Natural Resources Khurram Husain 5/8/2021 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Gaming LNG.docx
63 The Nation Developing the mineral sector Natural Resources Dr Farid A Malik 26/10/2021 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Developing the mineral sector.docx
64 The News Diversifying gas use Natural Resources Syed Akhtar Ali 3/1/2022 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Diversifying gas use.docx
65 The News The polluter pays Natural Resources Hashim Zaman 29/1/2022 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\The polluter pays.docx
66 The News Tough decisions Natural Resources Dr Khaqan Hassan 8/2/2022 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Tough decisions.docx
67 The Nation Shrinking aquifer Part-I Natural Resources Sana Eqbal 16/11/2022 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Shrinking aquifer.docx
68 Dawn Rocks and crops Natural Resources Khaqan Hassan Najeeb 15/12/2022 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Rocks and crops.docx
69 Dawn Gas infrastructure & communities Natural Resources Zeenat Hisam 4/3/2023 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Gas infrastructure & communities.docx
70 The News Innovation at the helm Natural Resources Ambassador Jiang Zaidong 14/5/2024 ..\NEWEPAPER CLIPPIGN'S TOPICS\Natural Resources\Innovation at the helm.docx